LAS' physical office is closed in compliance with Alameda County’s current Shelter in Place Order. During this time, LAS will not be conducting any in person activities including community education, home visits or HICAP counseling. This closure will follow the guidance of the Health Officer of Alameda County and may be extended based on further guidance from the County. See here for updates from the Alameda County Department of Public Health.
While the physical office is closed, LAS and HICAP will be open to the public through telephone and online assistance. If you need to reach LAS, please call 510-832-3040 and leave a message, making sure to specify the staff member you are trying to reach. If you have access to the internet, please send an email to the staff person you are trying to reach. If you would like to schedule a phone counseling appointment with HICAP, please call 510-893-0393. Please be patient as we are all working remotely and there may be delays in our response time.
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Legal Assistance for Seniors works to ensure the independence and dignity of seniors by protecting their legal rights through education, counseling, and advocacy.
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